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Communication: FOURTH PERIOD

A randomized 25 question test from a pool of 761 questions, good luck!
The remote access server in a SCADA system provides WAN access. Which of the environments below would the remote access server reside?
Which of the answers below best represents the average impedance of all Foundation fieldbus H1 cables used?
A defined area of geographical coverage is commonly called an area network. Which of the area networks below is a network that links smaller networks together, but potentially on a global scale?
IPv4 network classes can also be defined by the default subnet masks that they use. If the subnet mask was, which of the classes below would be used?
All the wired network components interact with ISO layers. Which of the answers below reflects the ISO layers that the firewall interacts with?
IPv4 network classes can also be defined by the IP address they use. Which of the answers corresponds best to the address in row "D"?
In the unbalanced signal transmission system, which answer best represents the number 3?
Which component of a wired Ethernet network has provisions for interfacing with the OSI model physical and data link layer?
Which of the cable types below would be best used in an H1 transmission trunk line?
Ethernet/IP, is the ______ level protocol that industrial Ethernet uses exclusively. Select the term below that best fills in the blank.
There are many different software programs that are commonly used by a DCS. Which of the programs below would allow the control of an employees access level in the system?
There are numerous function block modes which are permitted. Which of the modes below is best described as the mode the function block is currently in?
In Modbus, data is read, and written in various memory ranges. Which of the answers below best represents the data type that a coils would use?
Providing power to remote sites in a SCADA system has several difficulties associated with it. Which of the answers below would be best defined as one that is used for continuous power generation where there are no other options?
Which of the H1 transmission system function blocks below is best described as generally available default to field devices after it has been energized?
Redundant capability is critical for any DCS. Which of the redundancies below would function properly if no faults occur, and will shutdown if one occurs?
A defined area of geographical coverage is commonly called an area network. Which of the area networks below is best known for the being smallest power consumer, with the fastest data transmission rates?
IPv4 network classes can also be defined by the default subnet masks that they use. If the subnet mask was, which of the classes below would be used?
There are several data access methods used to transmit data. Which of the answers below can be described as a method that systematically allows for devices to initiate communication?
Which of the answers below best describes the transmission mode of data between a DTE and a DCE?
There are several types of converters. Which one of the answers below is best known as a "Gateway"?
A DCS collects a lot of data during the course of operating. Which of the terms below would best describe the system where data is collected and organized?
HMI networks are needed to expand or contract as required over their lifetime of use. Which of the networking types below will solve scalability, but is still limited because of multiple DA servers and duplication of information requiring an overuse of bandwidth?
SCADA systems are specialized utilizations of a process control systems. Which of the terms below can be best defined as manipulation and communication of a process though a control system?
Which of the error detection methods below is best used for larger data packets of virtually any kind of data?